UndocuSuccess Program
The UndocuSuccess Program will engage students in activities and workshops aimed toward obtaining career readiness. As defined by the National Association of College and Employers, career readiness is the attainment and demonstration of requisite competencies that broadly prepare college graduates for a successful transition into the workplace.
Students are encouraged to apply each quarter, if accepted they are required to attend all workshops (3), meet with a career services counselor, and complete brief assignments. As a form of recognition students receive a $150 scholarship at the end of each quarter. Workshops date and time are released at the beginning of each quarter.
Students who participate in the Undocumented Students Career Development Program:
- Receive personalized career counseling discussing potential career opportunities and create an individual development plan focused on accomplishing those career goals
- Identify experiences to develop their teamwork and leadership skills
- Communicate and network with professionals and alumni in the field of their choice
- Develop a resume and cover letter, and practice interviewing skills
- Explore graduate school and industry opportunities
Program Quarterly Overview
Fall Quarter:
Life After Graduation
Students who participate in this quarter's UndocuSuccess Program will receive personalized career counseling discussing potential options post-graduation including income generating opportunities and graduate school.
- Workshop #1: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. Explore Grad School: Curious about graduate school? Learn about the various grad school options and the application process to get there.
- Workshop #2: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. Job Search Strategies & Entrepreneurship: Thinking about how you are going to support yourself after graduation is overwhelming. Discover the various ways to search for opportunities post-graduation with and without work authorization.
- Workshop #3: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 from 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM. Alumni Panel: Join us as we host a panel of undocumented alumni to share their career journeys and provide advice for pursing graduate school and searching for employment post-graduation.
Winter Quarter:
Gaining Experience
Students who participate in this quarter's UndocuSuccess Program will participate in engaging workshops and receive personalized career counseling discussing how to start gaining experience and building key skills to apply for opportunities, including resume building and interview skills.
- Workshop #1: Gaining Experience Student Panel: Join us as we host a panel of undocumented students that have gained experience in various ways throughout their time at UCSB.
- Workshop #2: Resumes & Cover Letters: Everyone is talking about having a good resume, but what does that mean? Let's work together to update and bring your resume to life!
- Workshop #3: Interview Skills: Your interview is the most important part of the job search process. Let's practice answering those tough and confusing interview questions so you will feel confident in your next interview.
Spring Quarter:
Career Exploration
Students who participate in this quarter's UndocuSuccess Program will participate in engaging workshops and receive personalized career counseling focused on career exploration and how to select a path that best suits you.
- Workshop #1: Self-Exploration: Knowing what career is best for you starts with knowing yourself. Learn how your personality affects your future career.
- Workshop #2: Career Exploration: There are so many careers out there! Narrow down your interests and learn how to start exploring the massive world of careers.
- Workshop #3: Your Values & Your Network: The people around us affect our view of work in a variety of ways. Let's dive deep to explore your values and how work fits into your future.
How to Apply
Students must apply for each quarter at the beginning of each quarter.
Any Questions
Please contact:
Maddie Foster.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 by 11:59 PM
Students Testimonies
The program has really developed my professional skills more. I had the opportunity to meet other undocumented people on campus and got close to a few. Thank you for this space!
I really liked the first (career exploration assessments) we took that analyzed our personalities. The informational interview workshop was really useful. It was a good reminder of how important networking is for professional success.
I have learned a lot and through this program I have gained more confidence in myself and my career making-choices.
I am really thankful for a program like this because being undocumented and first generation student, there is a lot of information and helpful workshops I wasn't aware of until this program. Thank you so much.
The program boosted my confidence in terms of feeling more ready to pursue professional opportunities.