After witnessing firsthand the sacrifice, scholarship and leadership of the Dream Scholars, the Resource Team took direct action to establish the Dream Scholar Fund in 2013. The Dream Scholar Fund will provide scholarship support to undergraduate and graduate Dream Scholars to complete their education at UC Santa Barbara.
The Dream Scholars Resource Team identified financial support as one of the most pressing needs of our Dream Scholars. They regard Dream Scholars as a vital part of the UCSB student body and that scholarship support will allow these bright students to continue their academic pursuits and thrive as active members of our campus community.
The California Dream Act, Assembly Bill 540, passed by the legislature and signed by the governor in 2001, allows qualified individuals to pay in-state tuition: in California, university students without legal documents who have three years of attendance at and graduation from a California high school are eligible for in-state tuition under AB 540. Current California legislation, Assembly Bills 130 and 131, allows Dream Scholars to apply for grants and scholarships awarded by California public colleges, scholarships funded from private sources and Cal Grant awards. Even with this assistance, a large funding gap exists in the Dream Scholars’ student budgets: under current law, Dream Scholars do not qualify for federal funding, including student loans and work study. Federal law does not allow for their employment, except for those qualifying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
Gifts to the Dream Scholar Fund at the UC Santa Barbara Foundation will be administered by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
Make a gift
Make a gift to provide scholarships for undocumented students at UC Santa Barbara with demonstrated financial need. Your gift will help build our Dream Scholar Fund!
Gifts can be sent by mail or made online.
- Please visit: Dream Scholar Fund
By mail:
- Please contact Stacey Lydon, Director of Development at or (805) 893-5037

For more information on the Dream Scholar Fund, please contact Stacey Lydon, Student Affairs Grants and Development,, (805) 893-5037.